Beginners in calligraphy may wonder what the easiest calligraphy to learn is. There are different types of calligraphy that beginners may find easy, but what is an easy calligraphy type for one person may not be for another person. Generally, faux calligraphy is the easiest for beginners since it requires no special equipment, and it is easy to learn the basics of calligraphy, such as spacing, strokes and consistency. After learning the basic calligraphy principles of one style of calligraphy, beginners can move on to additional and more elaborate styles of calligraphy.
Faux calligraphy or hand lettering
Many beginners find dip pens intimidating. If that is the case, faux calligraphy may be perfect for them to try first. Faux calligraphy is ideal for beginners since you can use any writing tool, including a ballpoint pen or a gel pen. Many beginners consider faux calligraphy as one of the easier types of calligraphy. Faux calligraphy is one of the styles of modern calligraphy and has less strict rules than traditional calligraphy scripts, such as Copperplate or Spencerian calligraphy. Fewer restrictions mean beginners have a bit more creative flexibility.

Faux calligraphy, or fake calligraphy, is done by imitating the calligraphy letters created by dip pens through the use of any normal pen. Faux calligraphy is done by writing a word, spacing each letter out nicely, and then adding downstrokes on the insides of the letters – first with a pencil, then by pen. When these steps have been completed, you fill the downstrokes with ink before using an eraser to remove your pencil lines. Learning faux calligraphy is an excellent way to learn about downstrokes and their placement. It also helps you learn about consistency between letters. Overall, faux calligraphy may be “fake”, but it teaches the basic principles of calligraphy. It also allows beginners to find out if calligraphy is the hobby for them before they spend money buying a dip pen and nibs.
Click here for more information on the differences and similarities between hand lettering and calligraphy.
Gothic calligraphy
Gothic calligraphy is also called blackletter calligraphy. The Gothic calligraphy style started in Northern Europe in the eleventh century. It spread throughout Europe until the 19001.
Most people are already familiar with the Gothic style as it is often used in “old” or medieval movies and books. It has a unique appearance, making it easy for people to recognise and remember.

Some beginners may find the Gothic style of calligraphy one of the most straightforward scripts to learn. The Gothic script consisting of many small elements instead of one whole letter – forming each of the tiny elements may be simpler for some than having to create one entire perfect letter. The letters are also easier to make since the small elements forming one whole letter are all straight lines, which is more comfortable than curvier scripts. The letter n, for example, consists of six separate pen strokes.
The gothic calligraphy style consists of heavy and dense strokes, which gives it a “dark” appearance. Something that may be intimidating when learning Gothic calligraphy is getting the angle at which your pen must be held for strokes, right. For Gothic calligraphy, the pen is held at an angle of between 40 and 50 degrees.
For gothic calligraphy, remember to use a broad-edged nib. The Pilot Parallel pen is perfect for doing gothic calligraphy.
Roundhand calligraphy
Roundhand calligraphy is a simple style of calligraphy. It has been around for a long time since Edward Johnston called it “Foundational hand” or Roundhand in the twentieth century. The name was eventually replaced by Copperplate, but Roundhand is still considered a sub-hand of the Copperplate style of calligraphy.
Despite being simple, Roundhand calligraphy should not be the first script a beginner learns. Roundhand calligraphy has a steep learning curve, but with practice, most beginners can learn it without too much frustration.

Roundhand calligraphy may be old, but it remains popular due to its simplicity and beauty. It is also easier to learn since small mistakes are easily hidden. It consists of smooth, regular lines and circles, which make it easy to correct minor errors. Roundhand calligraphy is also a versatile calligraphy style. It is for different types of calligraphy projects. Learning Roundhand calligraphy also helps beginners develop good calligraphy habits and skills, which forms the base for future learning of new calligraphy styles.
A word of caution
Despite listing these types of calligraphy as easy to learn for beginners, bear in mind that these types of calligraphy still require a lot of practice and effort. Even these types of calligraphy may initially be difficult for beginners. As with any calligraphy, you need to learn about pen angles, pressure variation, nib types, the flow of ink and letter proportions. All of these items require time and practice to master. The more you practice, the better you will get.
Don’t be afraid
When you start with calligraphy, you may be intimidated by the calligraphy you see on Instagram or Pinterest. Just start! Remember that everyone started from scratch. Don’t compare your beginning efforts with the efforts of someone who has been doing calligraphy for a long time.
Choose one style and take it from there
It is easy to get overwhelmed with the variety of calligraphy styles available. Still, an essential tip for beginners is to choose one calligraphy style to start with before moving on to additional types. Focusing on one type only when you get started, help you focus and not get overwhelmed with the variety of styles that exist. Ideally, a beginner to calligraphy could start with faux calligraphy, move on to Gothic calligraphy and then try Roundhand calligraphy as this order represents a progression in the use of writing tools from normal pens to broad-edged pens to pointed nibs.
Take it slow
To perfect the formation of letters, try to slow down. Calligraphy should not be rushed. Slowing down will result in better letterforms and sharper strokes. Try to also pause between your letters to make sure you form your up and down strokes perfectly.
Learn the basics first
Regardless of which calligraphy style you choose, there are some basic principles to learn, such as holding the pen correctly and at the right angle. It would be best if you do not hold the pen too tight; otherwise, your hand will get tired too quickly.